Try Again.

Try Again.

Every December I try to take a moment to sit and look at my year in review, and every December I choose a word to live by for the upcoming year. As I reflect, I usually surprise myself by how much I actually accomplish, and by how well I actually live up to the word that I have chosen for myself. However, last year was the exception.

In 2022, my word was happiness. Don’t get me wrong, I was and still am happy, but when I sat down to read the goals that I set for myself, I realized that all I really wanted was to enjoy life. In 2022 I wanted to get back to doing the things I loved, to find a hobby, and to do things that I truly enjoy. I wanted to take a step back from the hustle and bustle, and to enjoy what I had created for myself with my online store. Fast-forward to today, and I realize I did none of that.

As amazing as my year was, I realize now that I spent all my time focusing on and achieving goals. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if you don’t take time for self-care or even a moment to take a breather. In 2022 I put the petal to the metal and I busted my ass. I opened a storefront for my shop, then jumped at an opportunity for my business to be featured at the Eastern States Exposition (the largest fair in New England), and then ran directly into the holiday season. During this time, I carried a lot of stress, was extremely exhausted, and didn’t do any of the things I wanted to do for me. This year I have found myself burnt out more often than not.

I’m not saying all of this to complain, but more to highlight that I recognize more than ever the importance of a self-care practice. Dreams and goals shouldn’t be achieved at the expense of your physical, emotional, and mental health.

So, with all of this said, 2023 for me is going to be a repeat of 2022 in terms of my focus. I will try again. I will focus on ME. I will focus on enjoying life, and the moments life has to offer that I seemed to have missed this past year. 2023 for me will be all about Self-Care.

What about you? What’s your word for 2023?

With Love, Light, & GRATItude,

Kelly Partridge